What Is The difference between Fitness band And SmartWatch

 A Fitness Band is a wearable band that has sensors that depend on smartphones.On the other hand, A Smart Watch is a device that is the extension part of your smartphone which supports calls, text messages, Bluetooth, GPS.

The prior difference between Fitness Band and Smartwatch is the functions. Smartwatches support more functions than fitness bands.

A Smartwatch has all the key features that a Fitness band has and additionally it supports more functions that a Fitness tracker does not support. 

A Fitness Band can track how many steps you have taken, how your heart rate is, how many hours you slept, how your sleep pattern is.

Whereas A Smartwatch supports all the above functions and along with these with a smartwatch, you can receive phone calls without touching your phone, you can check your social media notifications, you can control your music lists and connect your wireless device with it. 

Another major difference is the display. Generally, fitness bands have smaller displays than Smartwatches. 

In the case of the battery, life smartwatches are far behind than Fitness bands. Fitness Bands have more battery life than Smartwatches. Almost every Fitness Band has at least one week of battery life. And Smartwatch's battery life is weak in comparison with Fitness Bands. 

We tried to give a brief summary of the difference between Fitness Band and SmartWatch. Hope you liked it. 


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